Various procedures such as patent, utility model patent, design, trademark application, intermediate treatment, various proceedings for appeal trial.
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Consultation on patent, utility model patent, design, trademark, in-company training, appraisal, lawsuit, etc.
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Yasunobu Hanamura, Patent Attorney of the Hanamura Patent Office, worked as an engineer at a control equipment maker, where he was in charge of system design for production management systems. Later, he transferred to the intellectual property department, where he mainly provided services for filing patent applications, application for design
registration, and intermediate treatments. He then gained a broad range of business experience at the patent office, where he created accounts for filing patent applications, created amendment documents and arguments in writing, and was in charge of appeal trials, lawsuits, appraisals, and so forth. With this solid business background in technology and intellectual properties, we firmly believe that our office is capable of providing effective support for your business in intellectual properties.
Address:Kimeda Buildng 2F 1-31-8 Morino Machida-shi Tokyo
Nearest station:JR Yokohama Line,Odakyu Line 5 minutes walk from Machida Station
TEL:81-42-794-6771 FAX:81-42-794-6759
- 町田デザイン専門学校:Machida Institute of Design
- ホテル町田ヴィラ:Hotel Machida Villa
- 町田市民ホール:Machida Civic Hall
- 市役所 分庁舎:City Hall Branch Government Office
- 市役所 第二庁舎:City Hall Second Government Office
- POPビル:POP Building
- りそな銀行:Risona Bank
- 小田急町田駅:Odakyu line Machida Station
- 北口:North Exit